
Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Miscellaneous Switchgear Replacement


City of Fort Worth

The Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility (VCWRF) is a 166MGD wastewater treatment facility. The VCWRF electrical distribution and controls system consists of dual 12.47kV feeds throughout the Plant; pad mounted 15kV switches, substations for each process or facility; secondary voltages of 480V or 2.4kV; primary selector switches that allow connection of substations to either 12.47kV feeder; and two 5MW turbine generators.

GAI will perform both the electrical distribution, controls and the instrumentation engineering in a phased approach to replace 15kV switches, transformers, substations and motor control centers and switchgear. GAI identified $25M worth of electrical improvements. Phase I consists of $7M of improvements. Electrical improvements include replacing 2300V switchgear, 480V motor control centers, transformers, 15kV selector switches, associated wire and conduit at the following process areas: Sludge Pump Stations 1-4, Bar Screens 1-3, Odor Control, and Primary Effluent PS. GAI will develop an SKM model for use during design.